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Pregnancy Tracker*
for FEOT
Pregnancy Tracker Stats
Conception Date:
Due Date:
Gestational Age:
845 weeks and 1 day
Weight Change:
25.0 lb
*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
Notes for this Tracker
Post It
Just a quick note to say hi!
You deserve a big bear hug!
Congratulations! Time for a celebration...
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Hi dearie, been a while, how's lil Tim? finished his nursery? i suppose so you're ready to evict him! I'll soon be on M. leave so i'll post only when i can and if you check into L&D before me, just make sure u keep me updated, looking forward to a safe delivery for us. lol.TTYL
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hey, happy to meet you, i'm 178 days to go, i really dont know how to use the tracker, yours is really beautiful, take care!
Journals for this Tracker

Aug 04, 2008
So im down to 100 days to go. Wow i cant even believe it, time has sure flown by. Timothy is doing great, he is all over the place. I laugh and wonder what in the world he...

Jul 02, 2008
Had my ultra sound today and its a BOY!!! He is 14 ounces and his HB was 138. He was all over the place, moving his hands, feet and mouth. Super excited to go shopping.

Jun 25, 2008
So i made it... im 20 weeks!! I feel great, im not sick anymore, smells dont bother me. Though now my hips and tail bone area are achy. I cant sit, stand, lay on either s...
Introduction to Trackers
This short tutorial will show you how to use your new tracker.
Tracker Toolbar
All your trackers can be found here.
Take Action
You can customize your tracker, change your privacy, print or email your tracker here.
The Timeline
You can move the slider to view your historical data.
Add Data
Click here or in the chart below to start entering data. If data already exists, you will be able to edit it.
You've completed the tutorial and you're now ready to use your tracker. Click Next to start entering data now.