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Multiple Sclerosis Tracker*
for Shay2797
*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
Journals for this Tracker

Apr 25, 2012
hand stiff an painfullpinsand neeldes rather usless, legs numg feet pinsand needles

Apr 16, 2012
Another grey day, never fun. muscles are stiff an sore, but i got6.5 hrs sleep--Whats up with nightmares? no change fron yesterday.Hands numb, feet numb. hug still hugging...

Apr 15, 2012
This is not fun. left hand is usless, right hand jumped and twitched thru the night, hug gets tireing with up and down rolling sensation. feet have odd spots now feels l...
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