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cerebral palsy

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Communities and Forums
Posts on cerebral palsy (35)
Hello everyone, I am writing because my daughter,13 yrs old, has cerebral palsy, is a quad...
I have a 10 y/o cerebral palsy,nonverbal,wheelchair bound girl who has an aide with her at ...
Hi, im a mom of a 12 year old CP boy, my son was diagnosed at the age of 18 mnths, since th...
Hi, My son is coming up to 18 months old. He has been diagnosed with global development...
My son is 7-years-old and was diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy and epilepsy when he was 5...
I have mild spastic cerebral palsy. I'm 32 years old and have reoccuring pains. I have alwa...
My daughter has spastic diplegic CP and has cognitive delays, as well. Most of the time sh...
My son is almost 4 years old. He is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and has been working very...
Is there an increased risk of getting a stroke for patients who suffered asphyxiation at bi...
Journals about cerebral palsy(1)
477608 tn?1238527958

by alwaysbelieve, Aug 13, 2008 - 3 Comments
So your child, grandchild, niece or nephew has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. No...