will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Communities and Forums
Posts on menstrual (662)
I was never really into the whole sex thing until I met the right guy. When I started havin...
I've seen mixed comments all over the Internet about when performing oral sex on a woman an...
For the past few months I've been ill during my monthly period with severe pain in my hips,...
Ok August 7th and 8th i had my period, usually it's about 4-5 days long so when it was only...
So I am 18 Ive always had very painful period pains. I started off only having to take 3 i...
During protected sex with condom on, I got some menstrual blood on the base of my penis sha...
Hi, Recently went to bangkok and hired an escort over for sex. We practiced safe sex wit...
I just started my period yesterday and ever since I began it my heart has been acting a lit...
I know that there isn't a fool-proof way to completely cut your period down by a few days, ...
Okay so very long, I'll try to shorten it. A couple weeks ago I felt really hot and nauseo...
Journals about menstrual(16)
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Today, on Friday, March 24th, 2023, the regular lower-left back muscle spasms have ret...
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Since the stellate ganglion block on 3/13, the most concentrated source of back pain h...
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I have a question about my period. Ive been having bad cramps and at first red and br...