will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on weakness (329)
My mother, aged 56, is experiencing issues with her blood pressure. In the morning, it was ...
Please help with ideas, I’m running out of them myself! To start, I’m 27yo F. Current wei...
I'm an otherwise super healthy 24yo male. I've nearly never used drugs, rarely ever drink, ...
Slightly prominent lymph nodes bilaterally in the neck, most prominently in the submandibul...
My grandfather is 85 years old age, having pacemaker. He has Solid and Cystic mass & extens...
Hello, Please help me. My mom is 79 years old, and has been healthy and active her whole ...
Okay so this started about the beginning of the year. And its gotten much worse. My symptom...
So I'm posting on here because I honestly have no idea what else to do. Over the last 4-5...
Hi,this will be a bit of a text wall but here we go. I am 20 years old,normal to skinny ...
I have had anxiety for 10 years now, with all the standard symptoms you get with it.. Duri...
Journals about weakness(35)
1222076 tn?1423027749
Well here I am again with the exact same symptoms I had last August. Never got a diagn...
1222076 tn?1423027749

by Curly03, Aug 17, 2015 - 8 Comments
Im not sure where to write this but I just need to vent. This is hard for me to sit he...
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I stepped on a tiny piece of glass at the faire grounds when my sandal broke. It ...