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Posts on scalp (153)
Hi, I used dove body wash in the shower the other day and noticed that same night that I...
The past few days I've had these little itchy bumps on my scalp. One bump is on the back of...
I recently made the biggest mistake of unprotected sex with a sex worker in Asia. Now it's ...
Hi, I'm 20, male, and have recently discovered that my hair is reducing in quantity and ...
My scalp is salty, itchy, growing bumps. My dermotolgist froze some of the bumps but every...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone of you could tell me a solution or point me in the right ...
Hi everyone. I've been itching my scalp for about a year (16 now) and I noticed that one si...
I have thought that I have had OCD tendencies my entire live, mostly making noises, but now...
I have been picking at my scalp relentlessly until it bleeds sometimes and I cant sleep ver...
For at least a year and a half, maybe longer, I have had a pea-sized lump on my scalp on th...
Journals about scalp(4)
1548538 tn?1293871833

by Meme052, Jan 01, 2011 - 2 Comments
At the aforementioned journal post that introduced me to MedHelp, there is a URL for a...
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by notmeplease, Feb 16, 2008 - 1 Comment
i am having some problems with an intense itchy scalp. I don't know what it is . I...
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by Sol1, Jan 11, 2008 - 1 Comment
My scalp is getting extremely sensitive, when I brush, when I wash and just to the tou...