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lymphoid tissue

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on lymphoid tissue (34420)
What is Follicullar thyroid parenchyma and lymphiod tissue means? COMMENT: The biop...
Does anyone know what lymphoid aggregates mean ,I'm glad that the biospy showed no malignan...
I had an upper endoscopy and received the following results: PART 1: DUODENUM, BIOPSY ...
Ok im a 14 year old male woke up today noticed to or three good size but not to big lumps o...
My right breast biopsy came back showing fibroadipose tissue, and lymph node tissue showing...
Hi All, About 2 years ago I had protected vaginal sex with a Thai CSW. Exactly 4 weeks l...
I saw my doctor yesterday for a sinus infection and a few bumps on the back of my throat. H...
Ultra sound showed lymphocytes, lympocyctic tissue with in thyroid with pattern. What does...
Hello, i hope i would get some help from this forum my cousin who is 33 old has Chron...
colonic mucosa woth submucosal lymphoid aggregates. What does that mean?
Journals about lymphoid tissue(1)
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Tonsils are one of the most misunderstood structures in the throat, not only by patien...