will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on cravings (95)
I used Hydrocodone for years, due to an accident and resulting nerve pain. I also take Gab...
Hi all - I'm on day 6 and starting to jones - my w/d symptoms are pretty much over, and may...
Been on Norco for about 6 years, started 5 mg , now up to 4-5 10 mg per day. I have tried ...
I HATE THIS TOWN! I have spent so much time trying to find an acceptable meeting, I looked...
Omg. I Crave So Much Spicy \ Sour \ Sweet Stuff. What do you crave the most ? (: hahah...
Is hypoalbuminemia common in hypothyroidism? I have my plasma albumin level a little under ...
can lithium cause low serotonin thereby causing carb cravings. if i have carb cravings from...
i just found myself behind my closed bedroom door having one of the worst crying fits. i ca...
12 days opiate free. 4 yrs on 120mg Vicodin a day from Failed back surgery. Went cold turke...
sitting here, bored. i wanna know about yall's experiences and things, like due date, sex o...
Journals about cravings(28)
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by isomer, May 31, 2013 - 1 Comment
My challenge yesterday was my desire to consume against a background of happiness and ...
4823849 tn?1373657829
D-DAY (DETOX DAY) JOURNAL: My experience detoxing from Norcos This my day-by-day, h...
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by Hannahxox, May 14, 2012
Its been about 2 weeks and I have, I have had the worst cravings but then again i'...