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Posts on Parathyroidectomy (83)
About a month ago I went through a second parathyroid surgery for persistent hyperparathyro...
I am having a parathyroidectomy on Friday, can anyone tell me what to expect after the surg...
My doctor noticed that my calcium and PTH levels were very elevated last year. I had not be...
I've had high calcium level and high PTH level. I had a Parathyroid Scan, an Ultrasound, an...
I have just been diagnosed by lab tests and a sestamibi scan to have a lower left parathyro...
Need help on WHAT a high PTH level would be doing to my body, bottom line. Parathyroidecto...
I have just been diagnosed with Hyperparathyroidism, have elevated PTH, Calcium, Alk Phosph...
Hey folks, my cuz is having her parathyroid removed tomorrow and so I was looking for links...
Hi! I am worried. I got a "weakly positive" ANA result yesterday from my doctor. It had a p...
Hi everyone! I have been MIA for a while... After going through a Complete Thyriodec...