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Bernstein test

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Bernstein test (306860)
i am an insulin dependent diabetic for the last forty years. My diet is healthy, I am activ...
There is a lot of noise on the internet regarding what are the 'Normal Numbers'. I believe ...
Just started insulin ... Kinda emotional
If I do everything right, can I ever be diabetic free?
Hi, I have chest pain all the time. It gets worse with food but really there is no time...
Went for my annual physical...did a full panel work up AC1 was 7.4 I am 5 feet 5..weigh 126...
I'm 25 and 6w2d. My Dr made me take the 1hr test because my daughter was a large baby, I'm ...
i am 51 years old Not diabetic Every year i have my blood fasting sugur done it is alwa...