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degenerative disc disease

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on degenerative disc disease (20)
Just curious. I always feel extreme fatigue and head pressure, like I can't possibly do any...
I started taking OC's about 2 yrs ago- prescribed by my Dr.- due to severe pain from what I...
I have been on 450mg of Wellbutrin XL for about 7 years now. Due to stomach issues I recent...
He Hello everyone, My name is AJ (loves_earl) and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. ...
Hope this finds people feeling as well as can be. Today I saw a neurosurgeon, at the rec...
I had my follow up visit with the new neuro today, after a massive panel of blood tests, LP...
I was diagnosed with cervical degenerative disc disease a few months ago. My first doctor j...
I endured a back injury almost 4 years ago. I have had 2 MRI's and it's shown mild degenera...
i have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, and told i have to undergo surgery is...
My doctor diagnosed me with DDD (neck).However another diagnosed me with lupus. I have awfu...
Journals about degenerative disc disease(2)
754841 tn?1234907379

by woodgirl41, Feb 17, 2009
My health problems are degenerative disc disease, degenerative austeo arthritis, scoli...
205009 tn?1218559728

by MVanS, Jul 02, 2008 - 2 Comments
So tomorrow I go for my 1st visit w/ a surgical Ortho doc in the same practice as my P...