will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on immunization (44)
My daughter had both varicella shots before starting grade school. There was a clerical err...
Hi, As published in our Newsletter today, here's the link to the Vaccine-Autism Hoax art...
My son loved babbling since around 6 weeks when I read to him he would talk the entire time...
Just a quick question here. Are there any known effects of various immunizations on the HI...
In July 2008 my then 10 year old female Birman, 10 year old male Birman and 9 year old fema...
has anyone heard what vaccination is reportedly linked to narcolepsy? i saw a show yesterda...
Hi, I am going to be taking my four year old son to Ethiopia and wanted to know what immun...
I just had my flu shot the other day and come to find out it had thermosol in it. Are flu s...
My son received his Hepatitus B injections (all three of them) in 1999 when he was at schoo...
My daughter just got her 2 year shots,within 30 minutes she had a rash all over and looked ...
Journals about immunization(1)
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Fall is here, school is back in session, and once again it’s time to gear up for flu s...