will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on Alcoholism

Hey everybody! This is Lindaloutara2! I had to create a new account due to a problem with...
My 8 yr old niece has recently come to live with my husband and I, along with our three you...
I am dying here racking my brain trying everything I can to get more information on my fath...
Dear friends I have been struggling with "the drink" for over 12 years now. For most of ...
Hello to who can help with my issues and questions. Well my long story is , growing up my...
I really dont know who to talk to about this, so I figured this would be a good place to be...
I'm 40, fairly thin, and drink 5 or 6(or more) drinks a night, usually wine but there have ...
Hello everyone, When do you know your taking too much alcohol? when is it really an addicti...
Hey all, I drank for, well it doesn't matter I suppose, but have been sober now 3.5yrs. W...
Hey all. I have not checked in on here in awhile and tonight it hit me that I needed to. It...