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Weight Watchers

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Posts on Weight Watchers (96880)
March 25,2011 Hi all, Will it has been.......3 months since I kicked my butt into ge...
I have been doing weight watchers for about a year now and have always been very regular wi...
Hi, I was diagnosed with *mild hypothyroid* about 17 yrs. ago. I was given Synthroid and L...
I'm a newbie to the site and would love to do WW on my own but,I need support. I am on a bu...
Has anyone done this diet and seen the results they were looking for? I'm very interested i...
Everybody loves a new idea when it comes to snack food low in points. One of my favorites ...
Is there anything other than diet and exercise that I can do. I've tried Slim Fast, Jenny C...
Journals about Weight Watchers(6)
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by katykins, Jan 24, 2014
Going to stop the silliness with the very strict diets that I can't keep to and am...
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by erisue, Sep 23, 2012
Starting Day 1 of Weight Watchers with James. So I don't have to pay for it, he&#...
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4th day of Weight Watchers. I was supposed to wait a full week to weigh in, but curios...
white girls are turn on
interesting girls