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Skin Cancer

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Communities and Forums
Posts on Skin Cancer (295)
Hey community, I am not a medical professional, and I would like to seek suggestions on ...
Hey,I recently had an itchy scalp lets say for less than a week, and now I told my brother ...
I can't tell if I should consult a doctor about this mole or not. It has looked like this...
I have these small brown spots on my inner thigh and groin area. I have not noticed them be...
So I'm 24, rarely go in the sun and only got a tan/burn maybe twice in my life. I wear SPF...
I have had this problem since right before Christmas. I have what looks like a bruise unde...
I was wondering what this mark is on my leg. It appeared about a year ago, appears flat, b...
For at least a year and a half, maybe longer, I have had a pea-sized lump on my scalp on th...
I've had this mole on my arm for as long as I can remember and it wasn't changing and the o...
Hello, I have a mark that has appeared on my arm in the past two months. I am not sure...
Journals about Skin Cancer(10)
5975292 tn?1377663288
Craze of using skin whitener for lighter skin tone actually making the cosmetic compan...
10947 tn?1281404252

by Med Help, Jun 20, 2011 - 1 Comment
Summer solstice is tomorrow, and that one long day marks the “official” start of summe...
1316708 tn?1310916182

by ladyrhea4, Jan 27, 2011 - 1 Comment
Well I am starting to see a little better what is a head of me, I think your own mind ...