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Serum serotonin level

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Serum serotonin level (85646)
My daughters blood test result for "serotonin, ser" was very low, below normal range. The e...
I just had my serotonin checked from a blood test. It says my serotonin levels are good. I ...
Is there a way through a blood test to test for serotonin. Ayone Know?
Is the serotonin level in the blood corelated with the level in brain? If yes, why doctor ...
hello i have my result stated free BhCG .78 MoM,PAPP-A 1.20 MoM,AFP 1.3 MoM,is this normal?...
What would be the reason if there is a sudden rise and steep of serum PSA level ?
Prolactin 7.9 ng/ml male average 2.1 - 17.7 testosterone ...
Hi, My cholesterol level is 6.9. Low blood platelets. very low vit D. Going through h...
hi if my ferritin level was 166, while both my TIBC and serum iron were low does this me...
I have chronic pain and have been on the standard merry go round of pain killers anti-depre...