
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ...

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


9 Worst Foods for ADD - Plus 1 That Can Help

Get More: Omega-3s

Get More: Omega-3s
The one ingredient you should add to your diet to help prevent ADHD: omega-3s.

We already know that omega-3 fatty acids, plentiful in certain fish and fish oils, do wonders to protect against diseases of old age like heart disease and Alzheimer's. New research has found that this nutrient is equally important in keeping us healthy at the opposite end of the age spectrum - by promoting the development of a healthy brain and nervous system in infants.

In this manner, scientists think that omega-3s may help protect against ADHD. Studies have found that children with ADHD have low levels of one important type of omega-3 called DHA. And a few clinical trials have show that children who take fish oil supplements show improvements in behavioral problems and learning.

Aim for two servings of fish a week. But children and women in particular should avoid solid white albacore tuna, swordfish and other types of fish high in mercury. Omega-3s are also found in certain nuts and flaxseed.