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Healthier School Lunches for Kids

Build a Healthier Lunch

Build a Healthier Lunch

So what are the ingredients for packing a healthy, fun lunch kids will want to eat?

Make healthy lunches a family matter by sitting down with your kids, says Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, LDN, a nutrition professor at Boston University and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Explain the importance of a healthy lunch in terms that matter to them. For example, explain to your daughter that a nutritious lunch will help her run faster at soccer practice. Ask your child for his or her input — which whole grains, lean proteins, dairy, vegetables and fruits does he or she like? Then take your child’s suggestions for toppings seriously, Blake says, because if they are invested in that meal, they are more likely to eat it.

Invite your child to help you make these healthier takes on childhood favorites — not only will it teach them healthy habits, but it gives you some quality family time as well!

By Elizabeth Carey. Published October 1, 2012. Elizabeth Carey is a Denver, CO-based writer and editor. She fuses a passion for journalism with health, fitness and outdoor activity.