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Healthy Habits That Can Backfire

Little Miss Sun Shy

Little Miss Sun Shy

Your healthy habit: You avoid the sun at all costs

How it can backfire: While seeking the shade helps prevent skin cancer (and wrinkles!), avoiding the sun altogether can leave you depleted of essential vitamin D stores. Low levels of vitamin D have been tied to increased heart disease risk, according to a 2008 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Vitamin D may also help protect against osteoporosis and certain types of cancers.

Instead: As few as 10 minutes of sunscreen-less exposure a day during summer months triggers the production of sufficient vitamin D levels in your body. If sun’s not in your forecast, consider a calcium-vitamin D supplement.

By Natalie Gingerich Mackenzie, published September 6, 2011. Natalie is a health and fitness writer, runner, and ACE-certified personal trainer based in Syracuse, New York.
Reviewed by Joseph Sclafani, MD on April 10, 2015.