my time fighting the dragon Journals
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shot 7 and procrit and dose reduction starting to work

Jun 26, 2011 - 1 comments

Friday Night June 24, 2011 my 7th shot.  I never get use to this and put it off until the last minute.  Saturday when I woke up I felt pretty good.  I think the procrit is starting to work along with the dose reductions.  Not sure How long I will be on this road.  My ALT and AST's are now in the teens!  I sort of wonder how much taking simvastatin besides theHCV contributed to my numbers being in the high 30's and low 40's.   I am now taking a low dose of Crestor.  I think I'll stay with that.  I did a lot of work around the house on Saturday that I just couldnt even think about doing over the last couple of months.  I just kept saying to myself I cant believe I am moving around like this and dont feel like Im going to drop.  Today, Sunday, I feel SORE all over.  That's what happens when you lay around all the time.  I pray that I can continue to get over this anemia.  I think that has been even worse SX than the rash, nausea, blue feeling.  It has been extremely hot in Texas in the 100's.  When I go outside I feel like Im on another Planet it is so bright.  We need rain so badly.  Lots of wild fires but nothing near my house yet.  I try not to be to concerned about 4th of July, but its hard because people out where I am light fireworks off all the time.  Im just glad Im in town this year to watch over the house.  
Praying for a good week ahead.  On my way to being done with the Incivek (telaprevir) in 5 weeks.  That will be a relief!

hgb up to 8.7 from 8.5  woopie!  

Jun 21, 2011 - 5 comments

Got a call from the Research center that I could back off on the procrit to every 5 days.  This morning I was very nauseated and couldnt keep anything down.  I wasnt able to take my meds till 9am.  should have taken them at 7am.  I went to my clients house by 7:30am and had to leave by 8:30 am I was so I'll.  I came home and slept for several hours and was able to get up and run some errands for a couple of my clients.  My oldest son went with me and I couldnt have done it without it.  My husband cant understand why I even tried to work today, and the only thing I could say is that Im trying to act like nothing is really wrong to my clients.  Like Ive said before taking care of elderly people is a different job than any other.  You just dont call in sick unless you are really sick or contagious of course.  They depend on you.  
I have had so many weird brain fog things happen.  Today I thought I left my debit card in my car while I was checking out at the walmart.  I had to hold up the line and run/stumble out to my car.  I looked in my purse again when I didnt see it in the car and there it was the whole time in my purse.  I keep forgetting everything.  I almost pulled out in front of a car,  I usually forget something on my clients grocery list every day.  I could look it over and over and still miss something.  I put my cell phone in the cooler in my car.  What the?  It is driving me CRAZY!   I am just.....  I dont even know anymore!!!  Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh :(

getting ready for shot # 6 and dealing with anemia

Jun 17, 2011 - 12 comments

Well, tonight I have shot 6 interferon.  I have been reduced to 135 mg from 180.  My Riba is aso reduced to 600 mg from 1000.  I am now on procrit as of yesterday.  Procrit is an injection 3 times a week.  I will have my blood drawn again on Monday.  They are threatening that I might be removed from the trial if I cant get the hemo up.  it has dropped to 8.5 as of a couple days ago.  I had a hard time yesterday.  I left my clients credit card a walmart somehow.  Im like what the hell!  Great thing that she likes me so much.  I almost passed out at her house today.   Also I got in my car to leave and the gas guage said 0 miles to empty.  It is 100 Degrees outside and I am over a mile to the gas station.  I thought I was going to run out for sure.  I wouldnt have been able to walk 20 steps without falling over.  I would have had to call 911.  I made it though,  I decided to just come home for the day and lay in bed.  I had to bail on a client .  Trying to keep my lies straight about what is wrong with me is getting harder!

1st experience with brain fog or just bad luck?

Jun 08, 2011 - 1 comments

Well, today my client gave me a check for my work this week and also paid me in advance for tomorrow.  When I left her house I went up the street into a parking lot to get my lunch out and re-arrange my car.  Ok, Im on my way to the bank eating sandwich.  At a stop light i thru the crust of one side of my sandwich out the window ( for a birdie to eat) and arrived at the bank.  I went for the check and it was just gone!   The guy at the bank must of thought I was weird because I stayed there a few minutes and then just drove off thru the drive thru.  I got into a parking spot and tore the car apart looking for the check.  not found.  Went back to the parking lot where I got out of my car.  Looked everywhere.  Went where I thru my crust out the window  no check floating around in the intersection.   Now mind you it was 100 degrees outside.  I ended up calling my client and had to have her cancel payment on the check.  (how embarrassing)   Cost 30 bucks to stop payment on a check these days.  Oh well,  I guess it could have been cash that got lost.  I think when I had both car doors open and gust of wind came and blew the check out the door.   Ugggghhhh!!  :)    I better not find it now!!