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amputation breakthrough

May 02, 2008 - 1 comments








We are always amazed when we realize that a lizard can loose a limb or a tail, and then grow it right back as if nothing happened. It makes you wonder, what makes it so special that it can do that and we can't. Apparently, we can.

A new research at the University of Pittsburgh aims to achieve that. I just watched an amazing video at BBC's news website that reports on a 69 year old man that lost part of his finger, and was able to grow it back completely.

You can watch the video at:

The new medical technique is very simple. It uses a material called extracellular matrix, which is found in animal tissue and serves as the support and glue for the different cells. It also stimulates cell growth, which is what gives it the magical ability of helping regrow body parts in humans. Today's magic is tomorrow's science, I hope this technology makes it very quickly into mainstream medicine, as it will help prevent and cure many disabilities.

I did some research, and realized that the technique is controversial, with different opinions on whether extracellular matrix is needed at all, with some scientists claiming that they can achieve the same result with out it. But I will definitely keep an eye on this exciting research as the result is astonishing regardless of the method.

Here's additional information on Extracellular Matrix from wikipedia:

A cure for cancer?

Apr 13, 2008 - 1 comments

cancer cure





I read an article today that discussed a cancer cure that is close to beginning its human trials. The cure works by attaching small particles to cancerous cells, radiation is then used to kill all cancer cells without affecting normal ones.

The cure is pre-trials, so it is not clear yet if this will actually work in animal and then human bodies, and whether their claim of no side effects is true.

But it got me thinking what a real cure for cancer would do to our society. Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in modern history affecting more than 3% of Americans and despite billions of dollars that went into its research, has no end in sight. People use "A cure for cancer" as a phrase to describe an impossible task.

I think that a real cure for cancer brings with it not just a cure for an emotionally and financially draining disease, but new hope that we will conquer other difficult human diseases in the near future. It will hopefully get us to better support efforts to cure other difficult diseases and get our scientists and doctors more inspired to find those cures.

Here's the article:
