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Waiting for my bean! Journals
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Maternal Serum Integrated Screening Results

Jul 16, 2010 - 6 comments

Results are in!  And the news is great!

I had the NT Scan done a few weeks ago and part one of bloodwork was done that day.  Then, this week, I had part two of the bloodwork done.  So, now that all is complete, they gave me my results today.

My risk for spina bifida or trisomy 18 is less than 1/10,000.

My risk for Down's Syndrome is 1/10,000.

Thank God!  These are great results!  The genetic counselor said that these are the absolute best results I could get.  I am so grateful.


May 09, 2010 - 33 comments

I have spent the whole morning - worried!  Bummer on mother's day!  I feel fine.  Boobs are still KILLING me.  Still nauseous.  But, I got on stupid google.  I started googling heart rates.  When they got a fetal heartrate on Friday, the perinatologist said, "heart rate is 105...that's a little on the slow side, but that can be perfectly normal in early pregnancy."  So, I tried not to worry.  The fact that she mentioned slow made me worry a little, but I really tried to stay calm.  Then, I found in a few places that the norm. for 6w0d is 90-110.  So, I thought, "ok, I'm good."  But, all morning, I have been googling fetal heart rates at 6w, and it seems that sooooo many people have it much higher, and so many people are told that 105ish is a low number.  So, now I'm nervous.  Not fun.  :-(

Not to mention, I'm a complete emotional wreck today.  I miss my mom and my sister who are across the country from me.  And I miss my hubby.  I'm just bummin today.

Got to see my bean!

May 08, 2010 - 7 comments

Yesterday was an AMAZING day!  I am so thankful to God for the day I had!!!  After 3 miscarriages in the last year, this, so far, has been a scary ride.  With the last 3, I didn't even get to see a heartbeat.  Well, yesterday, on 5/7/10, I got to see my bean, who had a heartbeat of 105!!!  Which is perfect for the 6w that he/she is!!!  Measurements were PERFECT.  Based on my LMP, I would have been 5w6d, and based on when I thought I o'd, I would have been 6w1d.  The u/s measurements were 6w0d!  Perfectly in the middle!  I seriously could not have asked for anything more perfect than this.  Get to see my bean again on June 1!!!  Can't wait!

To my baby:
Mommy and Papi already love you so very much.  Please hang around in there for at least another 7 months.  Your brothers and sister have been praying for you, so very hard.  Just like me.  I promise to take the best care of you that is humanly possible.  I promise to give you all that you need.  I promise to accept you for who you are.  I promise to teach you right from wrong.  I promise to raise you to know and love God.  I promise that you will be in a family of people who love you more than life.  I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss you and love on you and show you just how loved you are.  Stay safe in there and GROW, GROW, GROW!!!

today's labwork

May 05, 2010 - 16 comments

So, hcg today is 17,285, almost exactly 48 hours after it was 10,058.  That makes my doubling time 61.45 hours, which is perfect.  According to, the average doubling time in that hcg range for a singleton is 61.12 hours.  Since I had my blood drawn about 10 minutes before the 48 hour mark, I would have been almost exactly at that 61.12 average!!!!  I honestly couldn't have asked for a more perfect number.  This is such a perfect number for me!!!!  THANK YOU GOD!!!!

CBC was also perfect.  WBC count is perfect and platelets are perfect (so I can stay on the Lovenox).  


Now for Friday's ultrasound....yipeeee!!!!  Hope I get to see a heartbeat!!!  That will be the best mother's day present in the WORLD!!!