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Writing Journals
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2/24/11 prompt.

Feb 24, 2011 - 3 comments








All I want to be
                     is someone who can find meaning.
Someone who can be alone without being lonely.
           Someone other than myself.

All I want to be
                     is someone who can forget as well as forgive.
Someone who can live in the present
                      and let go of the past.
                 Something that I can never be.

All I want is to change.
                      To be selfless, hopeful, kind, loving.
Someone who is at peace, rather than at war.
           Everything I'm not.
                Anyone but me.

Poem prompt I wrote today.

Feb 23, 2011 - 0 comments




Misanthrope. Cynic. Damaged. Astute.
Daughter of Serinda LeaRae.
Lover of the smell of books, the sound of rain and the turning of the Earth.
Who feels everything, passionately, intensely.
Who needs to help, to love, to learn.
Who fears everything, something, nothing.
Who would like to destroy all pain, heal all hearts and know it all.
Resident of my mind.

Valentine's Day - by me.

Feb 14, 2011 - 1 comments



Valentine's Day




heart broken

I woke up this morning
Your name on my lips
A dream I was having
The taste of your kiss

As you fade from my senses
I remember, I'm alone
I'm locked outside the fences
Of my love, my home

My heart, my mind, are stuck in the past
Wishing, wishing, to be home, at last
I feel that without you, I'm nothing
And so I am here
A ghost
With everything to fear

It's a really ****** poem, but I thought I should write something.
**** Valentine's day.

Uh, yeah.

Feb 03, 2011 - 6 comments

**** the world and all its lies;
It's devil in an angel disguise.
You do everything right,
Keep yourself in angelic light.
Be kind and help the poor.
You were good always, for sure.
Then on judgment day,
It won't mean anything at all.
You'll die anyways.
With the devils you will fall.
So cross your heart,
Hope not to die.
But life has other
Plans in mind.
Make mistakes.
Never fix one.
In the end,
It doesn't matter what you've done.
In history you may leave a dent,
Even as the first woman president.
But what does that say about you?
That all your dreams once came true?
And now you're rotting in a ground?
Without a thought or a sound?
Don't give up.
That's not what I'm saying.
There's no point in
Living but fraying.
Don't take yourself so seriously
Because one day you'll see
It won't mean a thing in the end.
So stay yourself and just defend.

What I meant by this poem is what I say at the end: don't take stuff so seriously. Just because you had sex before marriage, are gay, say curse words, stuff like that, doesn't mean you're going to Hell (except according to some hardcore Christians). That's why I could never really get into religion - so many rules. All forgiving, except you can't do ****! God loves you, but he'll **** you over unless you're perfect (which is impossible)!
So, according to some, no matter what you do, you probably won't be good enough. So just live life, we're all going to Hell anyways!