
Mental Health

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10 Common Phobias



Fear of: medical procedures that involve needles or injections.

Trypanophobia is stunningly common — an estimated 10 percent of Americans suffer from the phobia which causes them to feel anxious, faint or nauseous when confronted with medical needles.

Nearly half of those who suffer from the phobia are afraid of the sight, thought or feeling of needles. A smaller percentage have experienced or witnessed a specific, traumatic medical procedure involving needles, which causes them to associate any medical experience involving a needle with that traumatic memory.

Trypanophobics will often suffer an initial spike in blood pressure and heart rate followed by a sharp drop in both as the injection takes place. It may lead people to avoid vaccinations or blood tests, or delay or avoid necessary medical procedures.

By Angela Hiatt. Published on February 21, 2012. Angela is a California-based freelance writer and social media editor.