

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


What’s Causing Your Migraine?

Pinpoint the Cause of Your Pain

Pinpoint the Cause of Your Pain

Migraine triggers differ for everyone – so the best way to pinpoint what’s causing your pain is to keep track of it. Try keeping a headache journal, noting when your headaches start, how long they last, they type of pain you feel and what provides relief. In addition, be sure to list any foods you ate in the day before the headache, or any life events that preceded the pain.

This will help you and your doctor diagnose what’s causing your headaches, and figure out the most effective treatment plan for them. 

By Natalie Gingerich Mackenzie. Published July 30, 2012. Natalie Gingerich Mackenzie is a health and fitness writer in Syracuse, NY and author of Tone Every Inch (Rodale, 2012).