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Head-to-Toe Superfoods

Eggs for Fingernails

Eggs for Fingernails

If your nails are thin and brittle and break easily, you might need a biotin boost. Some small, uncontrolled studies have shown fingernail thickness increased by 25 percent and nail splitting decreased after biotin supplementation. You can get plenty of biotin from egg yolks. Besides liver, it's the richest food source. So if you're not into patê, start eating more omelets.

Food Rx: The studies used 2500 mcg and the average egg has around 20 mcg. While it would be impossible to reach that amount through diet alone, eating two eggs will ensure you're getting enough biotin. Adults need about 30 mcg per day.

By Nicole Ferring Holovach, MS, RD. Published February 28, 2012. Nicole is a Washington, DC-based nutrition communications professional, writer, and yoga teacher. She blogs about holistic health at