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Silkweed, Cottonweed, Rabbits Milk, Indian Nosy and Showy Milkweed are some other names.
Silkweed, Cottonweed, Rabbits Milk, Indian Nosy and Showy Milkweed are some other names.
Comment (1)
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Oct 19, 2008
                                                  "Milkweed" (Asclepiadaceae)
AKA..Silkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Rubber root, Wild Cotton, Orange wort, Canada Root, Pleaurisy root.

Some twenty-five species of the Milkweed family grow throughout North America. The flowers in Summer are rounded clusters of pleasantly fragrant blossoms varying in color from near white and orange to a greenish violet. The fluff of this plant was experimented with by scientists during WWII for flotation devices to be used by the U.S. Navy and Air Force.  They were also interested in the milky sap of the plant which is a latex substance that will yield rubber in the hopes of a rubber substitute during the shortages of that time. Although the Indians and early settlers used this plant from everything from Pneumonia and Bronchitis to indigestion and Pleaurisy (Hence the name "Pleaurisy Root") it is not recommended for even the Indians used caution as there are poisonous look a likes.  .... BURR P.