will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
18 weeks
18 weeks
Comments (6)
1041303 tn?1421387341
frank_noahsmommy, Oct 07, 2010
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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HaYnSweetie, Oct 07, 2010
How cute! Baby is growing good in there!
1301836 tn?1305621815
natashajay, Oct 07, 2010
ahhh youre both really nice xx yea i guess i am pregnant LOL just hate the fact ive gained so much weight around my bump not just ON my bump if you see what i took a lot to stay slim  and then august last year i hurt my back and that went on and on until march and after my m/c in may i realised i was 2 stone over weight and then obviously i fell pg in june so i couldnt begin to lose it, tho i was soooo sick until i reached about 17 wks so you'd think id have lost a bit then...but not enough to compensate...ahh well ill worry about it needs me now right? so thats all that counts xx
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HaYnSweetie, Oct 07, 2010
haha its ok, i know how you feel! Sometimes i stare at myself in the miror trying not to cry because i was so hoping to only gain weight in my tummy & tatas, but my thighs have gained some weight and of course my butt LOL! Now my face...i try to walk everyday and get some exercise in, but after 8 hours of work, cleaning up the house after my fiance throws his clothes all over the living room and leaves dishes on the living room table, walking the dog, cooking dinner and then cleaning up after dinner, i have no energy left to make it to the gym. Ive really come to depend on my dog walks as my exercise lol! I take him around the blocks a couple times and then i let him off his leash and chase him around...thats pretty much it lol!
1330108 tn?1333677304
SunWorshiper_26, Oct 07, 2010
You look so pretty pregnant!  I totally know what you mean about the back problems mean no workout!  I wish I looked pregnant. I'm 21 weeks and barely showing. I'll have to post a pic I dont know where this kid is hiding lol
1301836 tn?1305621815
natashajay, Oct 08, 2010
ahh thanks girls, you know i have a scrap bool which i took piks every 2 wks last pregnancy, i started out at 9stone 5 my dream weight LOL...ahh so long ago..anyhow to cut a long story short i look just the same now as i did then!!!! so im gonna quit worrying and worry afterwards ha ha