will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Opened up my side door this morn to scream my daily "Hello World" and saw this !
Opened up my side door this morn to scream my daily "Hello World" and saw this !
Comments (8)
460185 tn?1326077772
lonewolf07, Dec 02, 2008
It's beautiful.

203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Dec 02, 2008
Wow! What I'd give to have a view like you have! You are so blessed!
401786 tn?1309152034
Jacqui805, Dec 02, 2008
I envy the he!! outta you dude!  Beautiful!
Avatar universal
10356, Dec 02, 2008
Nature decorated a Christmas tree for you... Snow is beautiful... To walk in it another story :)
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Dec 03, 2008
Beautiful indeed !! However, don't envy me. The Winters are a long time going, and every year is a struggle to make it to spring.  The snow is always whiter on the other side of the fence. lol  Year after year, I don't quite know how, but just like the birds, God sees me through to another spring. Thing have got pretty dire too, but He remains faithful !! I am poor in material things but rich in spirit. ... Blessed ? Now that I'm sober, yes ... I'm blessed. Sobriety, my most valuable possession, a gift from God.
495284 tn?1333894042
dominosarah, Dec 03, 2008
WOW...........just beautiful...........

I would rather be rich in spirit and be clean and sober anyday.
306455 tn?1288862071
flmagi, Dec 03, 2008
Now that's a Christmas tree!
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Dec 22, 2008
What a great GOD given gift Bless You Mr b :o)