
Pregnancy Information Center

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A Baby's Story: 3D Ultrasounds of Every Week

Week 38: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Week 38: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Your baby is approximately 20 inches long and weighs 6.5-7.0 pounds. Believe it or not, your baby has taken a bowel movement. The waste is called meconium and is stored in the intestines. He continues to  practice breathing and urinating, and has developed a firm grasp that he will use to grab tightly onto your fingers.

Published October 11, 2010. The clinical images and information presented in this application represent normal fetal growth during a typical pregnancy. The images and information are to be used for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic purposes. Please consult a licensed physician regarding any specific questions pertaining to your pregnancy.