
Pregnancy Information Center

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Is It Safe? Top Pregnancy Questions Answered

Is It Safe to Travel?

Is It Safe to Travel?

Generally, yes. Pregnant patients are concerned about radiation when going through airport security, James says, but “the amount you’re exposed to in an airport scanner is miniscule, a fraction of a fraction of what we consider a harmful dose.” The flight itself also exposes you to a minimal amount, but several well-designed studies have indicated that air travel is safe in pregnancy. 

If you do fly, talk to your provider about any travel alerts and make sure your immunizations are up-to-date first; a potential risk of traveling is catching an illness that's rare in the US but more common abroad (and possibly dangerous to your baby). Also check with your airline about flying after 36 weeks — most won’t allow it. While in the air, stretch your legs every few hours and drink plenty of water to minimize your risks of a blood clot or dehydration. 

Attribution: Pilin_Petunyia/iStock/Thinkstock
By Lora Shinn. Published November 5, 2015. Lora Shinn is a freelance writer in Los Angeles, CA. Her work has appeared on and, as well as in Pregnancy magazine.
Reviewed by Elisabeth Aron, MD, MPH, FACOG on July 30, 2015.