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Search Results for "Desonide Topical Foam"

1 - 10 of 10980 Results
what could cause there to be red blotches around the base of my penis, and one on the head of it? its not DARK red, more like pink but it worrys me. it is not itchy and there is no discharge/fluid. the doctor doesnt think it is an std (havent had sex in ...

Using Promiseb works well for me, but my insurance does not cover prescriptions for it, and trial sizes are not always available at my Dermatologist. I was able to get Desonide cream filled and wondered if I should expect any good results from Desonide. Is...

I have been experiencing recurring red, itchy (bumps below my ears). I have been treated with 5-6 different topical creams, foams, in conjunction with prednisone, zantac, and another med. The itchiness goes away but comes back at least once a month and d...

For many years since a teen I came down with some sort of rash to the face and treated it with Hydrocortisone daily probably once a day to the face. After some time, I learned this was bad and began to take other topical creams to keep my face at bay from ...

I cannot get rid of these scabs on my arms. Whenever I think they are gone for good, more scabs appear. They are pinkish red around the scab, which look like holes in my skin. It is not from shaving because I do not shave the upper part of my arms. Lotion ...

I am a 24 year old female. At the age of 12 I started getting a red discoloration on my cheeks, slightly above my eyebrows, and a little on my chin which was slightly flaky. I do have dandruff in my hair. I was diagnosed with Seborrheic Dermatitis by my de...

Hello, I'm a 21 year old male who was recently diagnosed with Seborrheic dermatitis. I began seeing red dots around my nose leading up to my eyebrows. At first i thought nothing of it, i thought it may be a reaction to ProActive which i was using at th...

I have a condition of seboherric dermatitis on my face. I’ve used steroids like desonide and elidel topical solutions before on my face. They worked fine, but dependency on the medicine increased(condition coming back when I stop using them). Recently, I g...

Hoping my story saves some heartache and trouble for people who experience red, itchy skin on their face like I did. Over the last few years, my face started becoming very itchy and red, causing me much aggravation and suffering. Medication provided initi...

I got tiny cluster of colorless bumps all over my forehead, eye,chin & ear.... Those are not itchy,painless,not making any white (fat) or black heads. Can't pick on hand & can't count.. I'm taking "doxycycline hyclate" capsules last 14 days i didn't see a...

1 - 10 of 2 Results
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores, but allergic reactions, autoimmune disorders, fungal infections and many other conditions may, too.

Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. Treatment is usually for possible infection or to manage symptoms.

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