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Posts on NF

I have a 4 year old son who has a lenghty cardac history. (had a Large VSD, Small PFO and a...
I had my NF done in 2003 after living with GERD for 4 years, also had a hiatus hernia. Inm...
Hi Ladies, Want to make a difference? well with a simple click- by becoming a fan on the f...
There are some good features to the new interface, such as times of reply. However, by omit...
I have an achroid cyst on my brain well a few weeks ago i had what doc thought was a cyst r...
Hello, originally posted in neuro, I will try to keep it as short as can. I had an acdf c5-...
I have a disease called Neurofibromatosis (NF 1) I have had 5 tumors removed and they came...
I got a concussion 7 months ago after a 85lb metal door fell on me. I was diagnosed with po...
Since yesterday I have been seeing a lot more eye floaters than usual and I am very worried...
I am unsure if this is the correct forum to post this in but there is no oral surgery or pa...