
papillary carcinoma

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on papillary carcinoma

Hello, My husband(34 yrs) has done total thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer.Before surgery t...
Just over 3 years ago i had all of my thyroid removed due to Thyroid Cancer (Papillary Carc...
This is actually my very first time asking a question with regard to my neck pain, so pleas...
Dear Doctor - I had a left hemithyroidectomy on 1.6.2011 followed by a completion thyroidec...
There has been a lot on the internet recently about a possible link between dental x-rays a...
I had a TT on 2-3-10 due to papillary carcinoma. The tumor was 1.2 cm and I had RAI (100 m...
34 days ago I gobbled down my Fermi toxic drippin's ...err...I mean my RAI-131 100mci dose....
my boyfriend (35 years old) was diagnosed with papilaary carcinoma in the left lobe of the ...
Greetings! Last 06 December 2007, I had total thyroidectomy due to papillary carcinoma s...
Is Percutaneous Ethanol Injections an accepted treatment for Recurrence of Pap Carcinoma ap...