
withdrawal symptoms

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on withdrawal symptoms

I was initially prescribed fentanyl almost 10 years ago - it did finally stop my gut-wrench...
Is there any "over the counter" stuff to help with minor withdrawal symptoms of prolonged P...
I read a bunch of old posts about how oxy affects the brain and how all these extra "gates"...
Has anyone used prednisone to lessen methadone or other opiate withdrawal symptoms?
If you are taking Morphine for a couple of months and the doctor changes you to Methadone, ...
Hi, I've been taking 10 mg Lexapro for about three months, and my doctor recently told me ...
I quit Roxicodone cold turkey in early October. I have been on some kind of opiate for 2 1...
I'm a 38 year old mom of 4. I've been taking lorcets for about 3 years off and on due to s...
Please fill me in on all the withdrawal symptoms of methadone. I'm only on 40 mgs a day but...
i first came across vicodin, percocet and the likes when i moved to pennsylania in 2002. ...