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Posts on carcinoid

My age is 55. I was DX 1 year ago with Carcinoid Cancer ( An Endocrine Cancer) I am postmen...
I for off and on for 10 years have had the following episode(s).... 1-My face turns very...
They found a carcinoid tumor in the intestine of my best friend during a lower GI. Now,fol...
My sister has carcinoid and January 2007 was her fourth year since diagnosis. She has now ...
Anyone out there know anyone who has had one?
I have been experiencing these "episodes" for exactly one year. Out of nowhere,my heart wi...
I've had extremely bright red flushing for 3 1/2 years now. This is a dry flushing and I c...
just when i was home free after removing my large dermoid cyst...i had a 'routine' followup...
In December 2005, after a bad case of pneumonia, I had 2/3 of right lung removed due to a ...
Hello: I am home recovering and reading through this wonderful site. I thought I'd post a q...