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Journals about Fear

1390847 tn?1344657468

by j17c27, Jun 16, 2011 - 22 Comments
why why why why why why why???? Thats all I can seriously ask. I dont deserve to live ever...
1643508 tn?1301499861
Both of my episodes related to fear of telling my father something. 1st one was telling hi...
662085 tn?1331345560
They say that there is noting to fear but fear itself. Did they know the monster called par...
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by Photographer35, Feb 10, 2011 - 2 Comments
Yesterday my husband had this long anticipated appointment. When he got home and I asked h...
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ditto to same as nite before,pattern n/g results of trauma of court verdict. fear jail no m...
1474625 tn?1371097079
I feel like I've been so lucky, and I don't know how I've kept my addiction a s...
1316708 tn?1310916182
Well I kind of am the sort of person who needs to give you the full story so you see the be...
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by margo505, Aug 21, 2010
Tomorrow is my last pill. I am very nervous about how I am going to feel or function witho...
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by BoogyMan33, Jul 11, 2010
Its like its growing. Pressing on the inside of my skull right behind my forehead. I know i...
1269170 tn?1297358172
Right now, change seems to be a foe. Why is it so hard for people with depression? And yet...