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angry uterus

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on angry uterus

I just went in for my 2 wk post op chk up from a lapriscopic total hystectomy I discussed w...
This is my first pregnancy and I am currently 12 weeks. I am having a big problem with eati...
At my 20 week ultrasound today they measured my uterus. It was 5.4 inches. The doctor said ...
The ultrasound doctor told me that I have a tilted uterus has anyone else been told that? ...
I had a pelvic Ultra sound they measured my uterus to be 10.7 cm x 4.9 cm x 6.3 cm with an ...
Can a woman have one uterus with two cervixes? or two uterus with one cervix? or two uterus...
Ok question. I'm 4 weeks preg n have been trying to feel my uterus. I know its early but I ...
At what point could you feel your uterus when laying down and pushing on your abdomen? I c...
I'm 19 weeks and my uterus is about 4 inches above my belly button. I have been told by my ...
Sooo when i poke at my belly it feels firm on both sides of my belly button.Is this my uter...