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Posts on vaporub

I've been coughing every night for about a week now and it's causing me to lose sleep and p...
I am 12 weeks along and the back pain is getting to me. Doctor said it's normal but I'm not...
So I think I might have caught a cold.. and I have a stuffy nose. It's not letting me sleep...
Ok tried on the other forum and nobody is responding so maybe I'll have better luck here. L...
I have a bad cold and have been coughing so hard my tummy huts . I'm 8 weeks . is that a me...
I feel a cold coming on and I usually just take nyquil at night and sleep as much as I can....
Hi everyone. My fiance got me sick a couple days ago and I'm 4 months pregnant. I have a st...
I'm 16weeks and 2days my nose is very stoped up and running like I have a cold but I do not...
So i have a annoying nasal cold, and i need to know what's ok to take for it while pregnan...
Can I use vapoRub while your pregnant ? Cuz I have a really really bad stuffy nose