
monogamous relationships

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on monogamous relationships

I have posted this study lead by my hepatologist because we receive many posts concerning t...
I am having pain on the right side of my lower ab. I have an IUD and have had it for 3 yrs....
How accurate is a Hep C PCR RNA qualitative after 10 weeks exposure?
Thank you for your service and advice! I recently found that I have genital linchen plan...
if you're on the pill, PLEASE answer! i know the pill is not 100% effective. and i...
Hi, I got married about six months ago and I have no complaints of marriage. But I still ha...
So i recently took a full panel STD test about 10 days ago. I am currently in a monogamous ...
Hello male. Can you contract hep c from giving protected oral to a gay male. Im pret...
Hello, I have been having a romantic relationship with a person of unknown HIV status. ...
I know the disease is transmitted through blood to blood contact, and if both people in a r...