
cpap on

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Posts on cpap on

Does anyone experience severe back pains in the morning? I can't tell if it my lungs. I h...
I have severe asthma AND VCD. I was recently started on CPAP for a mild case of sleep apnea...
i just went for my second sleep study to be hooked up to the cpap. the first one said i qui...
i just went for my second sleep study to be hooked up to the cpap. the first one said i qui...
I have been using a CPAP machine for almost 3 months. From the night I used it I did not w...
My last IOP was 20 in both eyes. I use CPAP for OSA.
My husband was recently told by a doctor that he has early emphysema. He is not a smoker, ...
why does my boyfriend have very swollen eyes when he uses his CPAP machine and how to preve...
I've been on a CPAP for 2 1/2 weeks. I'm sleeping relatively well with it, 7-8 hours per n...
I have seen others post this same problem that I am experiencing. I started using CPAP the...