
Nasal discharge

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Nasal discharge

Hi,im a 16 year old male. Recently i just got over a cold that has been going around. And a...
My thirteen year old female pug has had bilateral nasal discharge (sometimes clear and ...
Hi, I had endoscopic transphenoidal surgery performed to remove a pituitary macro-adenoma o...
I became sick with a cold October 31st 2004. I became very congested during this time as on...
Sorry this is long, but I wanted to give you as much info as possible. BACKGROUND: We...
Hi, I have chronic postnasal drip, but it isn't really enough of a problem that anyone ...
My 4 year hold has had a cronic cough that sounds like coupe for the last 2 winters. It se...
Symptoms as follows: Daily bleeds/blood in nasal crusting. Sometimes streaks, sometimes fre...
I'm female, 45 yrs. old with hypertension (treated with 100mg atenolol daily), hashimoto's ...
My doc thinks I may have a bad sinus infection caused by impaction or something.Dizziness,o...