
Peritoneal fluid analysis

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Peritoneal fluid analysis

HISTOPATHOLOGY AND CYSTOLOGY REPORT NAME : Mrs. Akhila Jagannathan Age : 52 yrs, ...
My mom is 75 years old. She just had colon cancer surgery. She is still lying in the hospit...
is the ascites fluid and ovary cyts is defferent?my cousenhas a ascites with peritoneal and...
I am on treatment taking Buceprevir/Pegasys. I have cleared the virus for a few months, ho...
other than chemical medication, paracentesis, what are the other solution to lose the perit...
A couple of questions regarding ascites- 1) Would sweating help reduce the volume of asc...
CT Scan on 11-07-2008 showing peritoneal carcinomatosis very small nodulos but one more...
I have a question as to how long approx. does it takes to recover from an ovarian cyst rupt...
I continue to struggle with my diagnosis. I have read and studied a PILE of medical journa...
Lungs: Dependent atelectatic changes are noted at the lung bases. Biapical pleural parench...