
chiari malformation

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Journals about chiari malformation

1517903 tn?1329304316

by sanukilady, Jan 05, 2011
I should have just gone to the hospital, but this headache was sooo weird, even though it w...
1517903 tn?1329304316
So...gotta have surgery. No ifs, ands, or buts. That kinda sux. Gotta get pre-surger...
668014 tn?1225465057
We must somehow get others to stop referring to Chiari Malformation as "Arnold" C...
417407 tn?1203804910

by calgal7822, Feb 12, 2008 - 4 Comments
I was diagnosed with the condition in December 2007. I had decomporession surgery on 1/24/0...