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Posts on journalism

I just want to say God bless Tim Russert, MSNBC journalist, who died this week of suddern c...
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have been struggling with social anxiety. Prooblem is that my... The month...
What do you think has happened to Caylee? The story gets stranger every day and Nancy grace...
Since I stated some political views, I thought I'd air out another grievance related to it ...
Ok this one is not what would you change but more like don't you ever think hey i was not b...
I'm 23 years old. I'm originally from the UK, and moved to the US (Minnesota) in June 2009....
hi! i'm a 21 year old male. Ever since I started at college in 2010, I've been constant...
In another homage to blatant stupidity Fox News opens its big broadcast mouth to once again...
Hey kiddo, maybe if this little sucker had bitten you beforehand, you wouldn't have had to...