will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on wd

Hi Everyone, I read these a lot lately. It is so good to know others are going thru the sam...
Long story short, I am now 6 days clean from 30-45 mg oxy day for six months. Starting to f...
I quit taking (2 yr addiction) vicodin 7.5 x 8 per day this past october. Then, my doctor p...
I've been all over this board and others. I'm intelligent. Well, people have been asking if...
Hello, any help I can get would be HUGELY appreciated!! I started taking vicodin 10mg/...
I have been taking about 10-12 Norco (10/325 hydrocodone) per day for a couple years. I ha...
I just wanted to give an accounting of what happened to me to any one who wants to stop the...
I feel REALLY good today guys! I got great sleep, woke up like it was a normal day..not a w...
Hi all, yes I am back A G A I N !! Yes I am embarrassed, ashamed and everything. For thos...
Hey, I was in the process of coming off of 5 mg of methadone...I got myself down to 5mg and...