
diastolic hypertension

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on diastolic hypertension

Hello, My history is as follows: 10+ years phobic anxiety/OCD managed with Zoloft 75mgs....
I was treated with an alcohol ablation16 years ago. for HOCM and have now been diagnosed wi...
I am a 27 year old male and had an echo done last week. This is what the report says: L...
I had a thalium stress done and it showed some impaired relaxation of the left ventricle, w...
Info: 1. NO previous heart attacks. 2. NO history of High blood pressure (AT ALL) 35, smo...
I have a high pluse it is over 100 around 137-140- i am sick to my stomach, and have very ...
I am a 31 year old male, 6'4, 195lbs. I visited a cardiologist in April 2010 because of pal...
I can't find the person who said his diastolic dysfunction was on the echo one year and go...
Does anyone that has Pulmonary Hypertension that has been stable with minimal problems and ...
Please help me out I had a test today and the test impression was 1 . Mild concentri...