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Journals about Hypothyroidism

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When I got pregnant, no one really told me the complications that can come from having an u...
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Symptoms: Sudden onset 11/30/12 Inability to take deep breaths Dull chest pain Palpitati...
6320801 tn?1380303422
Today, September 27th, 2013, I am starting a journal, about my daily routines, eating habit...
2149304 tn?1447810962
Today I got what you could say "was a hard kick in the balls". I found out my thy...
2033435 tn?1329943508
Thyroid meds and labs evolution: - March 26 to April 23: 1 grain of 30 MG Armour in the ...
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by cansande, Dec 08, 2011
Started taking Synthroid on December 6th after the doctor's office called and said that...
1847651 tn?1319074558

by drobins6, Oct 19, 2011
Who knew that I could find such a helpful website. I am 20 and trying to deal with hypothyr...
1839610 tn?1318540317
Been back on Levothyroxin>Synthroid 50 MCG for 5 days now and still have major and earac...
1745512 tn?1311396595
At this point I'm beyond annoyed and feel so hopeless. After finding out that my thy...
1517452 tn?1290749217

by RedInDC, Nov 25, 2010
25 November 2010 This is my first entry on MedHelp, a website I have been secretly visitin...