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my kids of course

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on my kids of course

Basicly ive been a seasonal worker for Ross for a couple years now otherwise im a stay at h...
Im 27 weeks pregnant already and getting nervous about this baby..i have 2 kids already 6 a...
I'm a 31 year old male, in good physical condition, with no previous known health problems....
Whats the best treatment for pseudomyopia in children and what are underlying conditions th...
Hi - I need some advice. I am 47, a mother of 2, physically fit, non-smoker, no genetic hi...
I am female and have ghsv1, my husband doesn't. He's been tested. With regard to transmis...
I have two kids almost 4 and 8 years old. For 4 years old the Hbsab is 40 miu. For 8 yea...
I'm an otherwise-healthy 35 yo woman who had confirmed Influenza A 2 weeks ago. I got bett...
Hi, 1 - does a male have to take any tests (sperm count, sperm quality etc.) before tryi...
I'm sure you all heard about the single mother, no job, who already had 6 kids and was art...