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sternal reconstruction

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on sternal reconstruction

got chronic sternal osteomyelitis,had debridements (5). anti biotics no longer work. I will...
I had minimally invasive surgery in Feb. of 2007 and the wire my sternum back together. I ...
I am posting to this forum because a friend sent me this link, and I got the surprise of my...
In Sept of 2007 my husband had bi-pass surgery. He has been having cronic pain at the surg...
Dr. A. Miller, From personal experience, I know having an interest in a disease prices kee...
My mother recently underwent a CABG. Recently, she had to be rushed to the ER due to blood ...
I have gone thru bypass surgery Jan this year.. All went ok but in Feb i developed an stern...
In June, 2007, I had CABGx3 using an artery harvested from my leg and a rerouted IMA.MI was...
I had bypass surgery 1-0-7 and in March of the same year I was told I had a small area of t...
I had a cardiac bypass on 8/8/2011. Prior to the bypass, I was very active and played tourn...